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Root canal treatment

Maintaining good oral health is essential for overall well-being. Regular dental care plays a crucial role in maintaining strong and healthy teeth. However, sometimes, due to cavities and infection, bacteria can reach the nerve canal of the tooth. Root canal treatment is an effective procedure to address this inflammation.

What is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic treatment, is a dental procedure performed to treat an infection in the root canal of a tooth. The root canal is the part of the tooth that contains the blood vessels and nerves. When this area becomes infected, it can lead to increased sensitivity and/or pain.

Why is root canal treatment necessary?

Root canal treatment is necessary when the nerve(s) in the root canal of a tooth become irreversibly infected. This can happen as a result of tooth decay, dental trauma or a crack in the tooth. If left untreated, the infection can spread to the surrounding tissues, leading to serious complications.

Symptoms of root canal infection

A root canal infection can cause several symptoms. It is important to watch out for these signs, as they may indicate the need for root canal treatment. Some common symptoms include:


Persistent tooth pain

Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures

Tooth sensitivity when chewing

Swelling of the gums

Discolouration of the tooth


If you experience one or more of these symptoms, it is advisable to schedule an appointment as soon as possible. Timely treatment can prevent further complications.

Cost of root canal treatment​

The cost of root canal treatment can vary and depends on several factors. The dentist will provide a budget for the treatment. The complexity, type of tooth and possible complications of the treatment play a role in determining the cost.

Preservation of the natural tooth

Root canal treatment helps preserve your natural tooth, which can be financially beneficial in the long run.

The process of root canal treatment

A root canal treatment consists of several steps that are carefully performed by the dentist. Below is an explanation of the process.

1. Diagnosis and planning

The dentist will assess your symptoms, perform a thorough examination of the infected tooth and possibly take X-rays to assess the severity of the infection. Based on this, a treatment plan will be drawn up.

2. Anaesthesia

Before treatment begins, the dentist will administer a local anaesthetic to ensure you are comfortable and pain-free during the procedure.

3. Access to the root canal

The dentist will make a small opening in the tooth to gain access to the infected root canal. This allows the pulp and infected tissue to be removed.

4. Cleaning and disinfection

Using special instruments, the dentist will thoroughly clean and disinfect the canals. This helps remove bacteria, infections and other harmful substances.

5. Filling and sealing the root canal

After cleaning and disinfecting the root canal, the dentist will seal the canal. This ensures stability and prevents further infection.

6. Recovery and aftercare

After filling the root canal, the dentist will close the opening in the tooth with a filling or a dental crown, depending on the condition of the tooth. This step helps strengthen the tooth and protects it from future damage.

Benefits of root canal treatment

Root canal treatment offers several benefits for patients, including.

Pain relief

Root canal treatment relieves the pain and discomfort associated with root canal infection.

Preserving the natural tooth

Saving the infected tooth preserves its natural bite force and prevents surrounding teeth from shifting.

Improving oral health

Root canal treatment helps eliminate infections and improves overall oral health.

Risks and complications

It is important to talk to your dentist about any concerns or questions regarding the risks and complications of root canal treatment. Your dentist can provide you with detailed information and reassure you about the safety and effectiveness of the procedure.

Preventive measures to prevent root canal infections

Although root canal treatment is an effective solution for infected root canals, it is always better to prevent such infections. Some preventive measures you can take include.

Regular dental check-ups

Make sure you visit your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings. This helps in early detection of dental problems.

Good oral hygiene

Make sure you brush your teeth daily and clean between them with floss or a toothpick.

Avoid delaying dental treatments

If you experience symptoms of infection, seek medical attention immediately. Delaying treatment may lead to further spread of the infection.

Wear a mouth guard

In high-risk activities such as sports where there is a risk of dental injury, wear a mouth guard to prevent trauma to the teeth.

Root canal treatment in children

It is important to promote children's oral health by implementing regular dental checkups, a healthy diet and good oral hygiene practices. This helps prevent dental problems, including root canal infections.

  • How can I make an appointment at Dentist Amsterdam-Zuid?
    You can make an appointment by telephone via telephone number: 020-6792054. It is also possible to send an email to info@tandartsamstedamzuid. en. New to our practice? Use the following link to register: new patientWe will contact you as soon as possible to schedule an appointment.
  • Does Tandartspraktijk Amsterdam-Zuid accept new patients?
    New patients are most welcome with us at this time. Please use the following link to register: new patient. We will then contact you as soon as possible, but at the latest within two weeks.
  • What does my first visit to the practice look like?
    Dental practice Amsterdam-Zuid reserves plenty of time for you. During your first visit to our practice you will become acquainted with the practice, your dentist and our working method. A future-proof treatment plan is drawn up especially for you based on certain questions, radiological and clinical research. Your expectations and wishes are of course taken into account. We request that you bring a valid ID.
  • I want to cancel or reschedule my appointment, how do I do that?
    You can contact us by telephone to cancel or change an appointment (020-6792054). Please report this 24 hours in advance, otherwise we will be forced to charge for the reserved time. Outside opening hours you can send an email with your request to info@
  • Which dental treatments does the Amsterdam-Zuid Dental Practice offer?
    At Dental Practice Amsterdam-Zuid we aim for healthy, strong and beautiful teeth for everyone. Our enthusiastic team offers high-quality dental care, clear communication and a personal approach for young and old. More information about our treatments can be found on the pages below: treatments.
  • Are emergencies treated on the same day at Tandarts Amsterdam-Zuid?
    We treat emergency cases and acute pain on the same day as much as possible. To make an appointment during opening hours, please call: 020-6792054. Outside opening hours, please call: 088-2632727 (Slotervaart Hospital) or 0900-8602 (OLVG)
  • Are there parking options near Dentist Amsterdam-Zuid?
    It is best to park on the Apollolaan side.
  • Which languages do the staff speak at Dentist in Amsterdam-Zuid?
    We speak Dutch / We speak English / Parlons Français.
  • How often should I have a dental check-up at Tandarts Amsterdam-Zuid?
    We recommend that you visit us twice a year for the periodic check-up. Prevention is an absolute must and we also offer a dental cleaning during the periodic check-up.
  • Is the practice wheelchair accessible?
    The practice has an automatic front door, is on the ground floor and is therefore wheelchair accessible. We are happy to help you.
  • Ik heb een klacht. Wat moet ik doen?
    U kunt uw klacht kenbaar maken door middel van onze klachtenregeling.
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